11 February, 2017

Working out and a shakedown hike

  Did a 2 hour 6 mile hike today in full gear, bag loaded, food, water, everything.  My biggest complaint is that the pack's belt straps keep working themselves loose over time.  I remember reading that this is a common problem with the Flash62 and I'll do some research to find a solution.

  Other than that, all went well.  My pack does not feel heavy and the load sits well.  On the physical side, I was a little stiff at the end, but not any where near exhausted or in pain.  I've been visiting the gym a few days a week and riding the stair climber and treadmill.

  Interesting thing I noticed the other day...according to the treadmill, a 3mph walk up a 25 degree slope burns 1210 calories per hour.

  Two things learned: 1. This pack might not make it too far down the trail (Looking at the Mariposa or Arc Haul as possible replacements). 2. Need to up my daily gym intake.  I'm not looking to crush miles on day one, but it seems like a bit of hurt now, where I can recuperate with a hot shower and comfy couch, will pay off in spades later on.

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